Wednesday, January 23, 2013


I am always wondering: ‘why is it that women have to do everything’?
Why is it that when a woman works like a man she is also supposed to do everything else in the house.
Why is it that we, women, are still expected to do the things our grandmothers used to do. Why is it that we still have that place in the household?
I work like a man, I have my own business, I have unexpected hours, yet I also have to take care of the children, the laundry, the groceries and everything else.
Sometimes I’m just so fed up with this. I so much wish I was a man. I wish I could not care about anything. But I just can’t. Probably it’s because of what I saw at home. I was molded this way that girls just do everything.
When I was little my brother could go watch tv with my father while me and my sister were cleaning of the table. It’s just not normal…

I am not a feminist, not at all. But men should understand that if their wives are like them, they should be a little more like us…
Life is so unfair sometimes…

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

What If....

This morning I woke up wondering: ‘What if I had made different choices. What if my life was not what it is?’

 It is easy to believe that the grass is greener on the other side, often I envy people and their beautiful little lives… As much as my mother always told me to watch beneath me, and not above me, I cannot do that and will never be able to. I strive for perfection; I want more, and always more. That will probably loose me some day. Never being happy with what you have sucks, why can’t I just enjoy life, enjoy the moment, enjoy the ‘now’?

 I always secretly hope that I will give more to my children than my parents gave us, my brother, my sister and me. The problem is how do you do that? How do you become rich and famous? ‘Work, work, work’ some will say, but I believe in luck and being at the right place at the right time. Of course work is a big part of it but some people work their ass off their entire life for nothing! They die and worked for nothing….

 I need to stop thinking, I need to start living in the now, I need to relax and try not to control everything. Let's see what life brings…. before I die.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Social Bullshit

Isn’t it funny how people try to make their lives seem interesting on the social networks? Everyone is beautiful, everyone is happy; everyone has such amazing trips and lives…
Bullshit, life sometimes hurts and is ugly so ugly that we would rather not remember what happened. 
I hate people who pretend all is always fine, people who pretend that nothing is ever wrong with them, with their lives. Does that really exist? Doesn’t everyone has bad days, shitty days?  
Hypocrites of life, liars and idiots… stop trying so hard.

Take a Chance....

Sometimes life makes you feel like Shit...
Sometimes life hits you in the Face…
Sometimes you just feel like nothing is going right… Yet you got to get up and try.
Falling, falling hard, falling low, so low you think you’ll never make it back. Back to where you belong, to a peaceful place, to the right place. Getting up is probably the hardest things in life.
Getting up from the ashes of your past, forgetting what happened to better rise. How one does that? Remember your past to better learn for the future but without the past interfering with what the future brings…